Thursday, May 24, 2007

The blood is in the streets and the dollars are in the air- Part I

The real estate bubble has burst. The nation has seen an overwhelming increase in residential foreclosures, markets have seen depreciation in home value, and developers are losing Millions in earnest deposits on land due to project fall-outs. Most of all, real estate speculators have returned to their rabbit holes leaving a nationwide surplus of inventory and lack of retail buyers. Oh, but wait- we’re not retail buyers. We’re investors. This is the introduction to a totally different story.

Working for a real estate investment company often has me defending my career from friends and family members who claim to be experts in the industry because they read Business Week and own their own home to know [think] that their home value isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. What they fail to know is that the “crash” of the real estate market is actually a good thing—for us investors at least.

This is the time to buy. There is a window for investors to purchase property while foreclosures are high, speculation is down, and lenders figure out how to fix their mistakes...

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